Your dashboard will show you a summary of your revenue, orders list, a calendar view of your deadlines and to-dos, and how you are progressing toward your goals in a single snapshot.


See where you stand at a glance

- Order Summary: See, organize, and manage orders across multiple platforms
- Revenue Totals: See revenue and order totals month-by-month at a glance
- Goals: Track your goals and see progress in real time
- Calendar:  View all orders on a single calendar
- Priority Tasks: See your most important projects and tasks (coming soon)

Stop digging for your numbers

Knowing how much money you have made and how many open orders you have shouldn't involve a calculator and nine open tabs.

See your total revenue and projects for the month every time you log in.


Access your business anywhere

No matter where you are, you should know what's going on in your business.
That's why Canapy is mobile-friendly.

Your business is an extension of you.
Your phone is an extension of you.
It only makes sense these play nice together.
Easily access on your phone browser now.

Create your FREE account

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No time trial.
No credit card required.